Middle School Parents:
Next week staff and students at Solon Middle School will
participate in “Middle School Pride Week” as part of our celebration of the
Month of the Young Adolescent. The
Association of Middle Level Education, the primary advocate for middle level
education and the middle school philosophy, endorses a variety of activities
and resources aimed at promoting the importance of an education experience
designed specifically with the needs of early adolescent youth in mind.
Middle school students recommended theme days, similar to
the high school’s Homecoming activities, which included a Twin Day, Dress Up
Day, and of course a Spartan Spirit Day.
The week will conclude with our 5th and 6th grade lock-in,
and a week later our 7th and 8th grade school dance. At Solon Middle School, our vision and
daily efforts sincerely attempt to address the unique transitional needs of
middle level children while we continue to build a safe, caring and respectful
community. We believe that
activities such as these help us meet these goals as well as provide students
with positive memories of their middle school years.
Among the
messages that the AMLE attempts to convey through the “Month of the Young
Adolescent” are the importance of knowledgeable and involved parents, the fact
that healthy bodies are as important as healthy minds, and the importance of
young adolescents having the opportunity to pursue his or her dreams. It is clear that the needs of middle
level students are unique and pose a great challenge for those who attempt to
assist in the transition from childhood to early adulthood. It definitely requires a team effort of
school, community, parents and children to make a successful transition possible.
encourage you to continue to be involved in your child’s life and share in the
joy of the young adolescent. Now
is the time to grasp the opportunities to build a stronger relationship with
your child, continue to attend parent/teacher conferences and school functions,
to become involved with the PTO, network with other parents, and to actively
assist your child with his or her homework. Now is not the time to step back, but rather step forward
and become more involved in your child’s learning, his or her individual needs,
goals and aspirations. Now is the
time to begin conversations about post secondary and career planning, but it is
also important to seek a better understanding of the mind and body of the young
adolescent’s unique needs and interests.
Please join the middle school staff as we attempt to meet
the social, emotional, academic and behavioral needs of our children. By working together we can make the
middle school years a memorable and meaningful experience and prepare your child
for a successful future.
Mike Herdliska
Middle School Principal
Middle School Resources:
Association of Middle Level Education – www.amle.org