We took our 8th Grade picture for the yearbook today. I figured it was a good excuse to touch base with them and see how things were going. I joined them at their lunch tables today, telling them I needed help with my blog (only one student asked, "What's a blog?"). I posed only one question to them:
"In the eyes of an 8th grader, how could we improve our schools?"
Today was a 1PM Early Dismissal for our district, and "8th Grade Lunch" was following by nothing but a race to the buses, so I knew I wasn't asking at the best possible time. However, I was both surprised and impressed with the responses. Yes, "better school lunches," "shorter classes" and "nap time" all surfaced as responses, but take a look at some of the other things our 8th graders had to say:
- More time to study in class
- More time for bigger projects
- Give us more independence
- Less talking by teachers
- Study halls for all kids so we can get help from teachers
- More choices in the classes we take
- More Exploratory classes
- More art classes - and photography
- Classes that go further and do more
- Rewards for getting good grades
- Get rid of Standards Based Grading because it is to hard
- Get graded for our homework
- New math textbooks
- Outside recess for 7th & 8th graders
- More modern technology
- More digital stuff so we don't lose papers
- Laptops because some kids don't have computers at home, or share with brothers and sisters
- Shorter school days (which led to) some countries go longer (and) some some schools go all year
- More choices for sports
- More time to be with our friends
- Let us take our bags to class so we don't need to go to our locker
- Bigger library
- More security