Solon Middle School
Standards Based Grading Update
The topic of Standards Based Grading is a huge one. It is much larger than we can tackle in
a single newsletter, document or parent meeting. My intention is to provide you with brief updates throughout
the year to help you better understand SBG, our professional development
activities, and our progress towards full implementation.
To begin with, let’s take a step backwards and look at the
traditional grading system to see how it compares with Standards Based Grading
in philosophy:
Grading System
Grading System
Based on assessment
methods (quizzes, tests, homework, projects, etc.). One grade/entry is
given per assessment.
Assessments are based
on a percentage system. Criteria for success may be unclear.
Use an uncertain mix
of assessment, achievement, effort and behavior to determine the final grade.
May use late penalties and extra credit.
Everything goes in
the grade book - regardless of purpose.
Include every score,
regardless of when it was collected. Assessments record the average -
not the best - work.
1.Based on learning goals and performance standards.
One grade/entry is given per learning goal.
2.Standards are criterion or proficiency-based.
Criteria and targets are made available to students ahead of time.
3.Measures achievement only OR separates achievement from
effort/behavior. No penalties or extra credit given.
4.Selected assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, etc.) are
used for grading purposes.
5.Emphasize the
most recent evidence of learning when grading.
Adapted from O’Connor K (2002). How to Grade for Learning: Linking grades to
standards (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
As we began our studies, we found that the philosophy of SBG
matched nicely with our belief in a system that focused on student learning and
appropriately reporting that learning.
Earlier in the year I shared the five grading
guidelines, which teachers would begin implementing this fall.
- Entries in the grade book that count towards the final grade will be limited to course or grade level standards.
- Extra credit will not be given at any time.
- Students will be allowed multiple opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of classroom standards in various ways. Retakes and revisions will be allowed.
- Teachers will determine grade book entries by considering multiple points of data emphasizing the most recent data and provide evidence to support their determination.
- Students will be provided multiple opportunities to practice standards independently through homework or other class work. Practice assignments and activities will be consistent with classroom standards for the purpose of providing feedback. Practice assignments, including homework, will not be included as part of the final grade.
Throughout this school year, professional
development will be provided for staff to insure that these guidelines are
understood and implemented. By the
4th quarter, teachers will have fully implemented SBG, according to
the five guidelines, in at least one of their classes. While full implementation of Standards
Based Grading is not expected until the 2013-14 school year, many of our
teachers began using SBG in all of their classes from the start of the school
An important step in our transition is to have
the majority of staff fully implementing the SBG guidelines. While I’ve been impressed with the
number of staff that jumped in with both feet, there is still much learning
ahead for all of us. We are still
working on more clearly defining the guidelines - to determine what fits and
what does not . We are still
working on developing consistent classroom practices, not only across the
building or grade level, but also within an individual classroom.
Of the many challenges we face with our
transition, perhaps the greatest is how to best report student learning to you,
the parents, as well as the students themselves. You’ll notice most teachers using a 4 point scale in a rubric
format. This works well for a
students’ understanding of his or her progress on a given learning target, or
standard. This is an adjustment
for parents, however, who are more familiar with traditional grading and
homework/classwork grading.
We certainly welcome any questions you may have
regarding Standards Based Grading.
In addition to your child’s classroom teacher, please feel free to
contact Matt Townsley, Director of Instruction, or myself, with any questions
you may have. Again, we are
committed to providing you timely updates throughout the year as we continue on
our journey.
Please look for additional information coming soon,
including an invitation to join Nathan Wear, High School Principal, and high
school staff for parent information meetings regarding Standards Based Grading. There will also soon be a link available
on the district website that provides information and resources on SBG.
Thank you. I
look forward to learning and growing with you.
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